Welcome to the Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
The department has expanded
LTH Profile Area: Water
The department has a leading role in LTH's profile area Water, which contributes to the implementation of improved water policies and practices (lth.se).
LTH Profile Area: Food and Bio
The department has a leading role in LTH's profile area Food and Bio, which provides the knowledge and technology to engineer sustainable, healthy, accessible food and bio-based processes and products (lth.se).
LTH Profile Area: The Energy Transition
The department has a leading role in LTH’s profile area The Energy Transition which contributes to the transition from a fossil dependent to a sustainable society.

We strive to be a driving force for a sustainable future and promote the green transition of society. The complex challenges we face cannot be solved by individual actors but require coordinated efforts. In our research, collaboration with other universities, companies and organizations is therefore essential.